Wednesday, April 6, 2011

#213 Packaging

In 1951 a columnist remarked that Marilyn Monroe would look good even in a potato sack. Her publicity agent had a dress made from a burlap bag obtained at the local produce market, which Marilyn wore for a photo shoot. The bag had been packed at Long Produce in Twin Falls, Idaho and displayed the Idaho identification and Long's Sawtooth brand as never before.The photo above is displayed at the Potato Museum in Blackfoot, Idaho. The painting below (note hair color change) is used for advertising and promotional purposes.
Probably both men and women would agree that Marilyn was packaged well and burlap never looked so good! I just hope the "dress" was lined.


  1. What a fun post! Yes, hopefully the dress was lined. Oh, the feel of burlap on one's back, or other areas!

  2. I bet potato sales went through the roof with packaging like that!

  3. There is no Burlap in my Playboy Photo of Marilyn!

  4. Today they would call her "fat". Sigh. Like Jacki said, potato sales probably soared.

  5. The burlap bag that packaged the potatoes looks pretty good on Marilyn.

  6. Marilyn is Marilyn, even in a potato sack!

  7. I could only wish I would look that good in burlap (or anything else) this for the theme!

  8. Creative you said, burlap never looked so good!

  9. Wonderful take on the theme. Very imaginative.
