Tuesday, September 27, 2011

#200 Nine

If you enlarge the photo you can see nine elk on this hillside leaving the Rocky Mountain National Park Visitor's Center at the top of the pass. One of the rules is "No Parking on the Highway." This rule is frequently broken when three or more cars are already parked and people are looking off into the meadow/forest. Someone has spotted wildlife so everyone else stops to see, too. Cameras click by the hundreds. Love it.


  1. They blend in with their surroundings so well.

  2. wow. I would break the rules and stop to take pictures, too!

  3. Nice! I've never seen that many elk at once--but I do know about National Park traffic jams. It nearly always means an animal sighting.

  4. Bet the elk are chuckling at all the hub-bub with the photo-shooting. They look relaxed about the situation.
