Tuesday, March 15, 2011

#176 Matched Pair

These two beauties grace a bench on a busy street in front of a cafe, which I will have to try out soon! This one is not a part of the Art You Can Sit On series but is still quite a beauty, I think! I didn't see a plaque so I can't give credit to the artist.
Front view. I managed to keep my reflection out of the photo!


  1. Very imaginative wood carved bench. Interesting street art.

  2. Glad you added the 2nd pic, what a fun place to sit. Great composition and light.

  3. Now that is a very cool bench...love the intricate horse head carvings! Very unique!

  4. What a skiled artisan--he or she worked with the grain of the wood so it follows the lines of the horses' heads.

  5. The photographer side step as not to get in the shot lol This is a great image for the theme!

  6. Very gorgeous horse carvings. Would love to have this bench.

  7. a wonderful bench and such talented artist to carve those horseheads!

  8. Of the ones you posted while I was away this is by far my favourite!

  9. Stunning work by the craftsman, and wonderful detail from the photographer.
