Monday, May 23, 2011

#144 Hiding

There is alotta water in the Snake River this spring. While nothing compared to the Mississippi floods, this is unusual in my experience. The walking path in the green belt is HIDING under water. Unless you have your waders, you'll have to walk in the street for awhile and have your picnic on higher ground!

PS: There doesn't seem to be any danger to homes or businesses here in Idaho Falls. Other locations - uncertain. Lots of excitement for white water people, though. They love it.


  1. so much water and crazy weather everywhere. We are on our 9th day of rain.

  2. This has been a very wet spring. Hopefully the rains will stop soon.

  3. Yes, lots of water. Noticed the same thing yesterday on a nature walk that had water over the walkway. Crazy time, weather wise.

  4. Water water everywhere! enough already! Lots of roads closed/damaged around here...will be hard on the township budgets.
