Tuesday, May 31, 2011

#262 Shiny

The shiny bell rang intermittently while the names of 251 fallen, captured, and MIA Idahoans were read. A shiny bugle playing taps always gets my attention. I'm glad the two vets stayed in the photo.Although I surely don't want to "own" a war, the Viet Nam War is my war, and also belongs to all Baby Boomers. Even if we didn't get drafted or lose someone close, it was featured every night for dinner (TV news) for many years. I quit watching. Not only do I pray we never get desensitized to the horrors of war, I pray we (all humans) start yelling, "Enough! No More War." What is it good for? NOTHING. War is unhealthy for children and other living things.


  1. I often wonder if there would have been as many wars if women ruled the world. I doubt it.

  2. A world without War? - Wonderful Dream but I think only Judgment day will bring that about, due to the diversity of mankind! Alas Lest We Forget!

  3. Yes, those vets are a must for the photo to mean the most! Your photo tells a story without any words needed.

  4. A poignant reminder for the heros who served their country.
