Monday, January 31, 2011

#246 Roadside

Roadside art on one of the highways in Las Vegas. For the inexperienced, the animals are left to right: Road Runner, Gila Monster, and Fox. Behind the wall is the Desert Springs Preserve where Las Vegas began. (I love interstate wall art.)
By the way, Gila Monsters grow to two feet long and are venomous on the same level as coral snakes. There hasn't been a report of a human fatality since 1939. They move slowly compared to a rattlesnake so don't fear. Heat stroke and dehydration are more common dangers in the desert. Gila Monsters just look ferocious.


  1. Gila monsters do look ferocious! Thanks for all of the details - I didn't know any of those things.

  2. Fox - Fox? I have seen all the Acme Inc training films and I was sure it should be a Wiley Coyote! Beep Beep!

  3. What a great advertisement for the park - maybe a little distracting for drivers seeing that gila monster on the fence.

  4. I love your shot from a moving vehicle. I would like to visit that game perserve.

  5. What a great way to dress up a sound barrier wall! I wonder if it causes accidents?

  6. I've always wanted to see a real live gila monster. Love your shot of local color.

  7. Now this is fun...although I wonder how many accidents are there...I would be staring at the art.

  8. You've just added to the reasons I want to visit Las Vegas!! I want to see the highway art. A real live gila monster would be a bonus!! Nice shots!

  9. hope the drivers don't get all too distructed

  10. Too fun to see this now - we were in Vegas as you posted these!

  11. Glad to see the other sights in Vegas besides the casinos--this is creative!

  12. What a fun roadside barrier! Just wonderful.
