Monday, January 10, 2011

#31 Broken (uprooted)

The first snows last November were wet and heavy. Before I could get out to knock the snow off this tree broke and fell over. I don't really care as it's not a pretty tree, just a big thorny bush. However, we will have to take it apart to get it out of the backyard. Lots of work for a tree I don't like. Maybe a neighbor would like it for kindling. I'll worry about it in May or June.


  1. The lighting and texture make this a very nice image.

  2. Perfect lighting to showcase the broken tree...nice!

  3. The tree obviously had not heard the advice about it being better to bend than break!, A shame!

  4. We lost a basketball hoop in the Christmas blizzard--snapped off near the base. Wind and snow are powerful forces.

  5. Awww poor tree. Now its a part of recycling. That is a lot of snow.

  6. Well, now you'll be able to put something you like in that spot. Nature provided you some help in demolition.
