Thursday, February 10, 2011

#78 Drink

Funny kitties. Simon MUST drink out of a glass which MUST be on the left hand side of the sink. Garfunkel also insists on the same glass but finds the bath tub an acceptable substitute.
They are so cute.


  1. I love that bottom picture, that is too funny!!!!

  2. hahaha! Jackson MUST drink his water cold out of the Brita filter in the fridge. If you give him something else, he looks at you like "what is THIS? Don't you love me any more?!" He also sticks his paws in anything you are drinking (as long as it's cold) and try to drink it. He has a particular fondness for lemonade.

  3. Yep cats is crazy, mine won't drink at all!

  4. Cats are funny, and as you say they are so cute. Nice to see Simon and Garfunkle paired, which is where they belong!

  5. cats are never ending on their little quirks - we have one that drinks from a squirt bottle

  6. of course, they are not only cute, they are the cutest, I like this so much! Very well done capture!

  7. lots of cats seem to like fresh water from the tap. However a friend of mine has a fishbowl in the window (no fish in though)where one of her cats drink. The second photo is a great catch

  8. My grandkitties love the running faucet for their drinks and start mewing when I visit wanting me to turn on the water. Love your kitty photos and story!
